Thursday, January 7, 2010

Evolution of Modern Psychology

Hello Everyone,

Psychology - This is one of the most interesting subject to read, learn, understand and implement for every human being. In my first blog, I'm trying to provide information on Evolution of Modern Psychology which can help most of you interested in learning Mind and Behavior of human beings.

1879 Wilhelm Wundt establishes the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany.

1890 William James publishes Principles of Psychology.

1895 Functionalism is formulated as a system of psychology.

1900 Sigmund Freud develops Psychoanalysis.

1904 Ivan Pavlov wins the Nobel Prize for his work on digestive system that led to understanding of principles of development of responses.

1905 Intelligence test developed by Binet and Simon.

1916 First Psychology Department at Calcutta University is established.

1920 Gestalt psychology is born in Germany.

1922 Psychology is included in Indian Science Congress Association.

1924 Indian Psychological Association is founded.

1924 John B. Watson publishes ‘Behaviourism’, a book that led to the foundation of behaviourism.

1928 N.N. Sengupta and Radhakamal Mukerjee publish the first textbook on Social Psychology (London : Allen & Unwin).

1949 Psychological Research Wing of the Defence Science Organisation of India is established.

1951 Humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers publishes Client-Centred Therapy.

1953 B.F. Skinner publishes ‘Science and Human Behaviour’, strengthening behaviourism as a major approach to psychology.

1954 Humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow publishes ‘Motivation and Personality’.

1954 Bureau of Psychology is established at Allahabad.

1955 National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) is established at

1962 Hospital for Mental Diseases in Ranchi is established.

1973 Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen win the Nobel Prize for their work on built-in species specific animal behaviour patterns that emerge without any prior experience/learning.

1978 Herbert Simon wins the Nobel Prize for work on decision-making.

1981 David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel win the Nobel Prize for their research on vision cells in the

1981 Roger Sperry wins the Nobel Prize for splitbrain research.

1989 National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India was founded.

1997 National Brain Research Centre (NBRC) is established at Gurgaon, Haryana.

2002 Daniel Kahneman wins the Nobel Prize for research on human judgment and decision making under uncertainty.

2005 Thomas Schelling wins the Nobel Prize for his work in applying Game Theory to understanding of conflict and cooperation in economic behaviour.

I hope this information will help you in knowing Some Interesting Landmarks in the evolution of Psychology.

Neha Chaturvedi

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